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In this presentation we talk more about the game2d module that is used in the final assignment. This module contains all of the classes you will subclass.Most of the demo code that you will need for…
Just as it was hard to design iterators with classes, it is also hard to design timed animation with classes. In this video, we show how to use coroutines to make animation design so much simpler.
Our primary application of coroutines in the final assignment is timed animations. In this video we talk about what these are and how to design them with the GameApp class.
In this video, we show how to make our own iterable and iterator classes. These are actually tightly linked, and you need one to create the other.
Through the semester, you have essentially been writing application controllers. In the final assignment, you will need to do that again. But you will also be creating your own models this time. In…
When we break up out application in multiple classes, we need to give each class a role. One of the most popular ways to do this is designate a class as a model, a view or a controller. In this video…
Even though you only need to implement three methods in GameApp subclass, this methods will eventually get very long. In this video we introduce the concept of application state, and talk about how…
In the previous video we primarily focused on keyboard input. Mouse input (called “touch” by kivy) is a little more difficult. In this video we talk about how mouse input works and how to…
The big difference between a game and a movie is the ability to respond to player input, be it from a mouse or a keyboard. In this video we show how to us the tools provided by the GameApp class to…
When we were recording the video on custom error types, it ran quite long. So we decided to break it up into a second video. In this video we look at a slightly more complicated error type. We also…
Types guarantee that an object supports a set of operations (methods) and has a certain set of attributes. However, in this video we show that we can actually get this information without typing an…
In ths presentation, we will spend the time creating several example classes. This is another major part of the next exam.When we work with classes, it is very important to pay attention to…
This video introduces an advanced topic that is completely optional and will not appear on any exam. Classes like RGB and Point3 appear to enforce their invariants without any getters and setters.…
In this video we show that thte primary purpose of the super function is in the initializer method of the subclass. That is because we cannot guarantee that all of the attributes for the parent class…