Search for tag: "assessment"

Neurodiversity Dialogues: We are all neurodiverse

Lissette facilitated a discussion about a new…

From  Florencia Ardon 18 plays

Neurodiversity Dialogues - Effect of the age at self-identification / diagnosis

In this session, we will discuss the effect of an…

From  Florencia Ardon 6 plays

Systems Conversations on 11/11/2022: Rui Shi

+19 More
From  Michael Bell 20 plays

Judah Gluckman: Role of P3s in Infrastructure

+19 More
From  Olga Petrova 110 plays

Joe Shepard - Compliance and Risk Management

+19 More
From  Ron Henry 23 plays

Current Trends & Issues in Research Impact Librarianship in North America (4/21/21)

This webinar features a panel of research impact…

+19 More
From  Jim Morris-Knower 129 plays

Cornell DPE Lunch and Learn with Intern-X 15Oct2020

+19 More
From  Amanda Oczkowski 23 plays

The Implementation Science Initiative in Kenya and Uganda

Michelle Zheng is a junior in the College of…

From  MacKenzie Vick 19 plays

Implementation Science in Nutrition - Victoria Tian

Victoria Tian is a junior in the College of Human…

From  Consuelo Le 30 plays

Shannon Coleman, Ph.D. - Development, Dissemination, and Evaluation of Two Food Safety Trainings for Exempt Home Food Operations and Home Bakeries in Iowa

Shannon Coleman, PhDAssistant Professor and State…

+19 More
From  Erin Atkins 20 plays

WA product review of Crowdpurr / Mel:Zena peer review

Recording purpose: To help others who may be…

From  Zena Koo 10 plays

Session 9: Negotiations Framework

From  Donald Bazley 527 plays

Student Situations & Learning Outcomes

Student Situations & Learning Outcomes…

From  Cornell CTI 107 plays

Milstein Invited Lecture - Keyon Vafa

Zoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID:…

+129 More
From  Tapan Parikh 60 plays

Natalie Mahowald on Climate Change Science

Zoom Recording ID: 98131380488 UUID:…

+71 More
From  James Overhiser 23 plays

Sustainability Trends, Prof. Glen Dowell

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 23 plays