Search for tag: "trips"

Session 2-3: Strategies to Reduce Farm-level Food Waste: Food Banks’ Gleaning Programs

Strategies to Reduce Farm-level Food Waste: Food Banks’ Gleaning Programs Miguel Gomez, Cornell University Two concurrent social issues are food insecurity and food…

From  Aljosa Trmcic 10 plays

02-19-2021 - Michelle Woodley

Zoom Recording ID: 94129232542 UUID: UzIwp6rTQgiBET9ZqR9fTA== Meeting Time: 2021-02-19T18:09:33Z

From  Anitra Garcia 124 plays

Natural History Around Beebe Lake

The Finger Lakes are full of great natural history, and summer is an especially good time to explore outdoors. In this webinar, we’ll investigate some of the creatures that live around…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 298 plays