We start off the meeting with instructions on 1099 printing and reporting, reminder to upload 2022 Budget and other required information in Acumatica as outlined in FORM Code 804, adjustments in…
Enhancing Competitiveness via
Embedded Digitization
-How Digital Apps and AI Speed Up B2B Lending and Transactions
Approved!” is music to one business…
We start the meeting with how to fix minor issues like screen resolution and Velixo reporting upgrades for combined companies. We then go into detail regarding Credit and Debit Note adjustments, a…
Zoom Recording ID: 682672132
Meeting Time: 2021-09-03T15:02:25Z
In this recording, we will go over on how to attach additional files to a receivable email, sending email to multiple email addresses, setting up of reports for distribution, and tips and tricks on…
Bundling multiple invoices for one payment check, writing off a customer balance, how to get Cash on Hand balance in real time, setting-up of customer email account, running a GL Transaction Report,…
Changing Payment Method, Separating Payments, Column Configuration Tool, Effects of Simultaneous Open Periods (Prior Year and January of New Year), Items to Note in AR Deposits, Recurring…
Zoom Recording ID: 91994475281
UUID: wqy+M4KhTkuK8a31aIzAMg==
Meeting Time: 2020-06-06T18:43:58Z
Optimal Periodic Flexible Policies for Two-stage Serial Supply Chains: A Technical Note
Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 4:15pm
Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253
ORIE Colloquium: Nagesh Gavirneni (Cornell…