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Lesson 30.5 Selection SortIn the previous video we saw that insertion sort is not an ideal sorting algorithm. In this video we try our hand at another algorithm: selection sort. This is another simple algorithm that may be…
From Hannah Lee
40 plays
Lesson 30.4 Sorting PerformanceThrough the course, we have only cared about specifications, and not performance. But as we see in this video, sorting is an application where performance really matters. Little changes to the size…
From Hannah Lee
45 plays
Lesson 15.7 Mutable List FunctionsBecause lists are mutable, just like general objects, we can modify them in the body of a function. In this video we show how to write mutable list functions, which are (typically) procedures that…
From Hannah Lee
75 plays
Lesson 12.6 Global VariablesWith both modules and function definitions, we saw that global variables are incredibly important. But most of our code is inside of function definitions, and therefore executed inside of call…
From Hannah Lee
84 plays