Search for tag: "surgery"
CARE Fund StoriesThe Cornell Employee Emergency CARE Fund, employees helping employees. Cornell employees can be awarded a grant in times of need. Tina Henry shares her story of benefiting from the CARE Fund, and…
From Gerald Deis
10 plays
MAE 4710/5710 Applied DynamicsZoom Recording ID: 200816800 UUID: mK3kcfFcSh2cOA9jbrZflw== Meeting Time: 2020-04-17T16:11:15Z
From Andy Ruina
18 plays
Exercising While Pregnant - Managing your Physical Wellness March 2020As part of a healthy pregnancy, exercising regularly always comes up as something you should do. But what kind of exercise? How much exercise? Can I still run or do Pilates? Join Ruth…
From Ruth Merle-Doyle
123 plays
ORIE Colloquium, 2018-10-29 - Jinchi Lv: Is Deep Learning a Black Box Statistically?Title: Is Deep Learning a Black Box Statistically? Abstract: Deep learning has benefited almost every aspect of modern big data applications. Yet its statistical properties still largely remain…
From E. Cornelius
211 plays