Zoom Recording ID: 94347618999
UUID: SAWHob9hQW2cn6V0EZ64cg==
Meeting Time: 2021-11-16T14:36:06Z
Zoom Recording ID: 94347618999
UUID: i0nonjabSNqNawDsvIrVAQ==
Meeting Time: 2021-11-09T14:28:43Z
Zoom Recording ID: 94347618999
Meeting Time: 2021-11-02T13:05:02Z
Zoom Recording ID: 96116630382
Meeting Time: 2021-09-03T18:52:05Z
The Cornell Employee Emergency CARE Fund, employees helping employees. Cornell employees can be awarded a grant in times of need.
Tina Henry shares her story of benefiting from the CARE Fund, and…
Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995
UUID: LwfiwDSaTBq2w9ug4tRUUQ==
Meeting Time: 2021-05-10T16:52:23Z
Zoom Recording ID: 95217932087
UUID: ihiEbS7jTPGpQl7Z8wMPeA==
Meeting Time: 2021-05-07T19:19:51Z
"Sparsity, Feature Selection and
the Shapley Folkman Theorem”
The Shapley Folkman
theorem acts a central limit theorem for convexity: It shows that Minkowski
sums of arbitrary…
Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995
UUID: HulPtH9oRBak2LcfxinisA==
Meeting Time: 2021-04-12T17:21:05Z
Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995
UUID: 4FBI+AiNS9Co7DV8p0yfvQ==
Meeting Time: 2021-04-07T16:47:10Z
Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995
UUID: 7qMBoGt2QLq5QLneLDzDzw==
Meeting Time: 2021-03-24T17:04:30Z
Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995
Meeting Time: 2021-03-22T17:15:39Z
Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995
UUID: 0xAwtVOkTU2K0OZfy34A4Q==
Meeting Time: 2021-02-10T18:04:28Z
Zoom Recording ID: 95137020859
UUID: H9NFuYkxTH2woD6dmIdYZA==
Meeting Time: 2020-11-18T15:07:48Z
While-loops can do everything that a for-loop can (and more) but they are much harder to use. That is why, in this video, we talk about how to debug a while-loop before we talk about how to write…
Zoom Recording ID: 95137020859
UUID: JuLSDqZ6RSinubNYu+lM6Q==
Meeting Time: 2020-10-23T14:09:23Z