Search for tag: "stimulation"

Differences and Similarities Between Earth Source Heat and "Fracking"

How do the processes that will be used for Earth Source Heat (ESH) and the Cornell University Borehole Observatory (CUBO) differ from what is called unconventional shale gas development (a.k.a.…

From  Lisa Kilgore 43 plays

DEA1500_20201021_Lecture17 Gary Evans

This second lecture finishes up discussing one HER Process: Stress which is a helpful model of how the physical environment can influence human health and wellbeing. At the beginning of the…

From  Terri Jackson 18 plays

DEA1500_20200902_Lecture Gary Evans

The first lecture introduces students to the course. Throughout the course, students learn about HER (Human Environment Relations) Processes. These processes help us to understand how or why the…

From  Terri Jackson 32 plays

CNF Annual Meeting 2020; Invited Speaker Maya Martirossyan

CNF Annual Meeting 2020 User Presentation by Maya Martirossyan, Materials Science & Engineering, Cornell University, Dshemuchadse Research Group; "Fabrication & Self-Assembly —…

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 18 plays

CNF Annual Meeting 2020; Keynote Speaker Nancy Stoffel

The CNF Annual Meeting 2020 had three Keynote Speakers. Here is Dr. Nancy Stoffel, Horizontal Leader for Flexible Hybrid Electronics, GE Global Research; …

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 12 plays

CNF Annual Meeting 2020; Invited Speaker Emma Long

CNF Annual Meeting 2020 User Presentation by Emma Long, Materials Science & Engineering, Cornell University, Jena Xing Research Group;…

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 18 plays

CNF Annual Meeting 2020; Keynote Speaker Lawrence S. Goldberg

The CNF Annual Meeting 2020 had three Keynote Speakers. Here is Dr. Lawrence S. Goldberg, Senior Engineering Advisor, National Science Foundation; "NNCI: Critical nanotechnology facilities for…

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 22 plays

CNF Annual Meeting 2020; Keynote Speaker Lidija Sekaric

The CNF Annual Meeting 2020 had three Keynote Speakers. First up was Dr. Lidija Sekaric, National Business Director, Distributed Energy. Siemens; "The Accelerating Energy Transition"

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 21 plays

CNF Annual Meeting 2020; Invited Speaker Melissa Bosch

CNF Annual Meeting 2020 User Presentation by Melissa Bosch, Applied & Engineering Physics, Cornell University, Shvets Research Group; "Tunable Semiconductor Metasurfaces for Active…

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 27 plays

CNF Annual Meeting 2020; CNF Directors' Welcome

The virtual CNF Annual Meeting 2020 began with an introduction from our three directors.

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 46 plays


From  Dave Frank 6 plays


From  Dave Frank 10 plays

Increasing Collaboration in research (Vincent - Lecture 2)

2019 JHU Summer School

From  James Overhiser 5 plays


From  Dave Frank 8 plays


From  Dave Frank 31 plays


From  Dave Frank 2 plays