18:00duration 18 minutes 0 seconds
Systems Conversation on 3/8/2019: Maria E Mayorga
01:10:02duration 1 hour 10 minutes
11.29.21 Suraj Malladi, Cornell University
Zoom Recording ID: 97325240794 UUID:…
03:57duration 3 minutes 57 seconds
Mehta Research Group ELO Presentation - Joelle…
Mehta Research Group ELO Presentation - Joelle Wahab
Joelle Wahab is a senior in the College of Human…
01:17:18duration 1 hour 17 minutes
2018 Science Immersion_Systematic Reviews
A workshop given by Kate Ghezzi-Kopel as part of…
04:26duration 4 minutes 26 seconds
ToC HIV Infection Among Migrant Workers in…
ToC HIV Infection Among Migrant Workers in Karnataka, India - Cameron Wong & Ashlyn Amsden
Cameron Wong is a senior in the College of Human…
56:59duration 56 minutes 59 seconds
The Nuts & Bolts of Systematic Reviews
Cornell University Library Workshop given on…
47:40duration 47 minutes 40 seconds
20191028_CIHF Roundtable_Workplace…
20191028_CIHF Roundtable_Workplace Well-Being_Marty Stallone.mp4
01:09:06duration 1 hour 9 minutes
ORIE Colloquium, 2019-03-05 - Retsef Levy:…
ORIE Colloquium, 2019-03-05 - Retsef Levy: Analytics and Technology to Optimize and Improve Global and Local Food Supply Chains
01:20:02duration 1 hour 20 minutes
Ezra's Round Table on 2/12/2012 - Oguzhan…
Ezra's Round Table on 2/12/2012 - Oguzhan Alagoz: A POMDP Approach to Personalize Mammography Screening Decisions
Friday, February 24 at 12:00pm Frank H.T. Rhodes…