Search for tag: "randomness"

Lesson 30.8 Quicksort Performance

It looks like quicksort has solved our…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 36 plays

ORIE 4580 - Lecture 6 - 0922

+19 More
From  Sid Banerjee 106 plays

Session 6: Union and Management Approaches to Organizing

2018-02-14 00:00:00+00 Originally lecture #6

+117 More
From  Donald Bazley 825 plays

17 - Gears pulleys toggles Session 17

2010-10-04 18:17:21+00

+79 More
From 36 plays

CS2110-FA17-26 Session 26

2017-11-22 00:00:00+00

+103 More
From 125 plays

03 - Introduction to rank and matrix algebra Session 3

2009-01-23 09:05:49+00

From 150 plays

05 - Review Transformations and Linear Transformations Session 5

2009-01-28 09:07:44+00

+57 More
From 81 plays

08 - Inverse matrices: Basic facts and its relationship with linear transformations Session 8

2009-02-04 09:05:35+00

+60 More
From 69 plays

35 - Eigenthings continued and diagonalization Session 35

2009-04-15 09:05:32+00

From 50 plays

38 - Diagonalization Review and Symmetrical Matrices Session 38

2009-04-22 09:08:02+00

From 49 plays

41 - SVD decomposition cont'd Session 41

2009-04-29 09:06:42+00

From 62 plays

20 - An example from vector spaces and orthogonality Session 20

2009-03-04 11:02:46+00

+81 More
From 45 plays

13 - Discussion of: Adolescent Brain Development: A window of opportunity for learning and social cognition

The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner…

From  Marshall Perryman 51 plays

CFEM Seminar on May 27, 2015: Nuri Sercan Ozbay

From  E. Cornelius 12 plays

ORIE 9000 Colloquium - Rafael Frongillo: A Unified Theory of Elicitation via Convex Analysis

Elicitation is the study of mechanisms which…

From  E. Cornelius 6 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 2/18/2015 - Mariana Olvera-Cravioto: Queues in the Cloud: Generalizing the single server queue to massively parallel networks

Motivated by today’s cloud computing…

+109 More
From  E. Cornelius 7 plays