Search for tag: "pocket"
Open Enrollment for Endowed Retirees 2022A recording of an informational meeting where Aetna and Cornell Benefit Services representatives review benefit options for next year, and answer questions from the audience. Open Enrollment for…
From Gerald Deis
30 plays
MetLife Dental | Open Enrollment 2021Jeff Ball, Benefits Counselor with MetLife, gives a presentation as part of Benefair Week during Open Enrollment 2021.
From Gerald Deis
34 plays
Aetna Presentation - Benefair Week 2020Kevin Lau, Senior Account Manager with Aetna, hosts a presentation on Aetna options and benefits in the Open Enrollment period during Benefair Week 2020.
From Gerald Deis
75 plays
Davis Vision - Benefair Week 2020Faye White, Representative from Davis Vision, discusses the aspects of the Davis Vision Plan as part of the Open Enrollment period during Benefair Week 2020.
From Gerald Deis
58 plays
Cornell Retiree Open Enrollment Informational MeetingGordon Barger, Senior Director of Benefit Services is joined by Andrea O'Day and Dee Hill, Representatives from Aetna, to discuss the new virtual Open Enrollment period for Cornell Retirees.
From Gerald Deis
23 plays
CNF 30th (2007) "Nanostructure Engineering: A Path to Discovery, Innovation, and Commercialization" with ChouCNF 30th (2007) "Nanostructure Engineering: A Path to Discovery, Innovation, and Commercialization" with Stephen Chou, NanoStructure Lab, Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
From Karlis Musa
5 plays