Search for tag: "phases"
2023 CNF REU Harrison Final Presentation2023 CNF REU Intern Daniel Harrison; "A Systematic Study of How Different Phases of Niobium Nitride (NbxN) React to Xenin Difluoride (XeF2) Undercut Etch"; PI: Prof. Debdeep Jena
From Ron Olson
15 plays
2023 CNF REU Averitt Final Presentation2023 CNF REU Intern Samantha Averitt; "Nanoscribe Advanced Patterning Techniques for Two-Photon 2D and 3D Structures"; CNF Staff Mentors: Roberto Panepucci and Giovanni Sartorello
From Ron Olson
69 plays
2023 CNF REU Dzotcha Final Presentation2023 CNF REU Intern Astrid Dzotcha; "Etching of Topological Metals for Interconnect"; PI: Prof. Judy Cha
From Ron Olson
11 plays
PARADIM Summer School 2021 : Analytical Theory of Magnets (2 of 2)PARADIM Summer School 2021 Materials Growth and Design - Frustrated and Quantum Magnetism: Analytical Theory of Magnets (2 of 2)
From Brenda Fisher
7 plays
Informal Theory SeminarZoom Recording ID: 96116630382 UUID: ZYw6T6tSRXiQF/g8W8vKzQ== Meeting Time: 2021-05-27T18:56:25Z
From Eunah Kim
3 plays
Morgan Fernandez 2020 REU final presentationZoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: UlnuuPOnS6aBDTLJ9vagow== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T12:59:57Z
From James Overhiser
21 plays
Boris Tsang 2020 REU final presentationZoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: UlnuuPOnS6aBDTLJ9vagow== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T12:59:57Z
From James Overhiser
61 plays
Rachael Keneipp 2020 REU final presentationZoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: UlnuuPOnS6aBDTLJ9vagow== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T12:59:57Z
From James Overhiser
63 plays
Bryce Coyne 2020 REU final presentationZoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: UlnuuPOnS6aBDTLJ9vagow== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T12:59:57Z
From James Overhiser
10 plays
Jessica Dong 2020 REU final presentationZoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: UlnuuPOnS6aBDTLJ9vagow== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T12:59:57Z
From James Overhiser
62 plays