In this video, we show that we can solve the problem of strict typing by using the isinstance function. This function will be our preferred way for enforcing preconditions going forward.
Whenever we have enforced preconditions, we have always used the type function. In this video we show why that is a problem, particularly when we want to use an object argument that is a subclass of…
Operator overloading allows us to redefine the meaning of + or * on objects of our class. But sometimes we want to mix together types like a fraction and integer. In this video we show that it is…
As we saw in the previous video, we cannot trust == if we need to test if two variables refer to the same object folder. In this video we show an alternative operator is, which is safe to use because…
Previously when we compared objects, we compared them attribute-by-attribute. That is because the meaning of == on objects is less clear. As we show in this video, that is because equality (and the…
In this video we introduce the principle of abstraction, which is simply hiding unnecessary details about a class from the user of a class. However, there are many different ways to do that, which is…
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UUID: dunu4II1Ql+mjqEyFX2F2g==
Meeting Time: 2020-10-07T19:34:10Z