Zoom Recording ID: 761914758
UUID: Xq1lGhsrRzm8f8FL4Gt4/g==
Meeting Time: 2020-04-17T19:47:09Z
COVID-19 has deeply affected you and your ability to serve your patients and their owners. In this uncertain time, virologists at the Baker Institute want to help answer your questions.
What: COVID-19 - A Virologist's Perspective for Veterinarians
When: Friday, April 17, 2020, 4-5 p.m. EST
Who should attend: veterinary clinicians, clinician-scientists, veterinary administrators, veterinary clinic owners.
*Questions will be taken in advance via the registration form and live from attendees as time permits.
With each passing day, we are learning more and more about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19. As veterinary clinicians and clinician-scientists, many of us are interested in learning more about the virus and its potential effect on our veterinary patients. In this webinar, the following experts from the Baker Institute for Animal Health at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine will be hosting a live chat:
Colin Parrish, PhD/ John M. Olin Professor of Virology
Dr. Luis Schang, MV, PhD/ Professor of Chemical Virology
John S. L. Parker, BVMS, PhD/ Associate Professor of Virology
Diego Diel, DVM, MS, PhD / Associate Professor of Virology
Join us to hear the perspectives of these researchers as they address important questions regarding the ongoing pandemic, including:
• How do viruses “jump” between animals or from animals to people?
• What made this coronavirus so successful in establishing a pandemic?
• What are the advances in antiviral therapy against SARS CoV-2?
• What are some details regarding diagnostic tests currently available and the status of those under development?