Search for tag: "faculty"
MEM Information Session and Student Panel (DL)- April 2024Build your business skills while increasing your technical depth to meet the sociotechnical challenges of today. Join us to learn about the Cornell M.Eng. in Engineering Management (MEM) Program. …
From Alexis Vargas
7 plays
Efficient Computing Techniques and Resources offered at CCSSLink to Github page. Includes copy of slides and code. Please fill out the evaluation form here. Schedule a consultation View CCSS Workshops Request access to CCSS Cloud Computing Resources, Gain…
From Jacob Grippin
5 plays
2023 Family Orientation | Academic Readiness PanelBonnie Comella, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, will discuss what to expect and how you can support your student as they transition to Cornell academically. This will be followed…
From Lindsey Bray
21 plays
2023 Future Professors Institute Keynote - Successfully Navigating Academia: Structural and Agentic Lessons for Workloads, Writing, and the WorkforceWelcome Remarks: Sara Xayarath Hernández, Graduate School Associate Dean for Inclusion and Student & EngagementSpeaker: Dr. Damani White Lewis, Assistant Professor of Higher Education,…
From Sarah Day
25 plays
Cornell Tech Recognition Ceremony 2023Zoom Recording ID: 92901982000 UUID: iJtdH41xTx6LSRl3qtpGKA== Meeting Time: 2023-05-20 12:23:24pmGMT
From William Streleckis
238 plays