Search for tag: "excellence"
Coffee, Coaching & Connections: Selling at public markets and other retail alternatives for food entrepreneursCoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections, presented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, is a monthly series highlighting industry and academic…
From Jacob Pucci
0 plays
Coffee, Coaching & Connections: Navigating intellectual property in the food industryCoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections, presented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, is a monthly series highlighting industry and academic…
From Melissa Hegarty
1 plays
Women in Food Business: March 2023 CoE Coffee & Coaching & ConnectionsCoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections, presented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, is a monthly series highlighting industry and academic…
From Danielle DiDuro
14 plays
CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections: How to pitch to venture capital investors and acquire fundingPresented by the New York State Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech, CoE Coffee, Coaching & Connections is a monthly series highlighting industry and academic…
From Jacob Pucci
32 plays
Fall 2022 PIN Seminar - Jennifer Cashin, MPHSeminar title: “Effective interventions to improve breastfeeding practices: Learning from the East Asia Pacific Region”
From Nidhi Shrestha
9 plays
Dean’s Update on Strategic Plan November 30, 2021Zoom Recording ID: 99789836795 UUID: VMukbwCfSRab1JyC40yv1w== Meeting Time: 2021-11-30T17:39:08Z
From Steven Gallow
18 plays
COE Strategic Planning Town Hall 1: May 11, 2021Town Hall #1 May 11, 2020 1:30-3:30PM Introduction and Overview of Strategic Plan Speaker: Lynden Archer, Joseph Silbert Dean of Engineering Diversity, Equity and Inclusion…
From Debbie Guisado
24 plays
REU presentations 7/15/2020Zoom Recording ID: 96251374359 UUID: yLMTLb7zTI6xaUPnXq0zjg== Meeting Time: 2020-07-15T13:50:58Z
From James Overhiser
47 plays
IEA- Maintaining D&I Practices During COVID-19 - May 2020Diversity and inclusion is an important institutional value, but how do we advocate and maintain diverse and inclusive practices during a crisis such as …
From Anthony Sis
41 plays
Welcome: Mark Nelson, Anne and Elmer Lindseth DeanMark Nelson, Anne and Elmer Lindseth Dean, addresses admitted Two-Year MBA students at Virtual Destination Johnson, April 17, 2020.
From Ingrid Jensen
69 plays
Johnson's Strategic Priorities and COVID-19 Planning: Drew Pascarella, MBA '01, Associate Dean, MBA ProgramsDrew Pascarella, MBA '01 and Associate Dean, MBA Programs, addresses admitted students in the Two-Year MBA Program at Virtual Destination Johnson, April 18, 2020.
From Yvette Burggren
84 plays