Search for tag: "dining"

2024 Day in the Life Cornell M.Eng. in Engineering Management On-Campus Program

Follow Shivani as she shows you what the average day looks like for a Cornell M.Eng. in Engineering Management student.

From  Alexis Vargas 8 plays

Becoming Big Red Cornell First-Year Families Conversation Series: Living & Dining on Campus | June 22, 2023

The Becoming Big Red: Cornell First-Year Families Conversation Series is hosted by the Cornell University Office of Parent & Family Programs. Our topic is Living and Dining at Cornell. Joined by…

From  Lindsey Bray 438 plays

Jingwen Ou - DFA Accounting, Tuition, FA, and Housing/Dining Analysis

From  Ron Henry 12 plays

11-10-2017 - Elizabeth Blau

From  Anitra Garcia 9 plays

11-04-2016 - Jeff Zalaznick

From  Anitra Garcia 65 plays

10-21-2016 - Daniel Halpern

From  Anitra Garcia 17 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Hospitality Marketing, Prof. Robert Kwortnik

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 32 plays

2020 FMNP Market Manager Guidelines for COVID-19

This webinar was prepared in August 2020. COVID-19 guidance continues to evolve at the state and county levels. Please check with your city or county health department for any new guidelines,…

From  Alisha Gaines 15 plays

There’s No Place Like Home: Cornell’s Residential Landscapes

Cornell’s longstanding ambivalence about on-campus housing and the logistics of a coeducational population resulted in two dormitory landscapes situated to the north and west of central campus.…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 478 plays

20191028_CIHF Roundtable_Workplace Well-being_Keri Johnson.mp4

From  Matt Gorney 6 plays

CUFF - 20190125 - Ryan Lombardi - North Campus

From  Marshall Perryman 65 plays