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L13Zoom Recording ID: 2690923470 UUID: Jv1gV8QvTN2zkfUyJKMmhA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-25T19:49:20Z
From Ilya Amburg
2 plays
MAE 4730/5730 LectureZoom Recording ID: 95137020859 UUID: 16eI+VCsSz+dxonzFYNNxQ== Meeting Time: 2020-11-16T15:08:05Z
From Andy Ruina
10 plays
MAE 4730/5730 LectureZoom Recording ID: 95137020859 UUID: vn+fWi/6RDC9fikktqmUZA== Meeting Time: 2020-11-11T14:56:23Z
From Andy Ruina
12 plays
BEE 3600 Office Hours 2020-04-15Zoom Recording ID: 596257102 UUID: 4XPTGtKYT02pvWT0J/hR0Q== Meeting Time: 2020-04-15T21:57:06Z
From Buz Barstow
20 plays
Spring 2020, Inverse Dynamics in Biomechanics, Mechanobiology Lecture,Zoom Recording ID: 118144186 UUID: sjGN9AjxQqKo+q2vJaf8mw== Meeting Time: 2020-04-07T17:16:56Z
From Andy Ruina
34 plays
ORIE Colloquium, 3/18/2020 - Ashia Wilson“Variational Perspectives on Machine Learning: Algorithms, Inference, and Fairness”Machine learning plays a key role in shaping the decisions made by a growing number of institutions.…
From E. Cornelius
181 plays
DFT: Plane Waves and Pseudopotentials (Lecture 2.2)2018 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL DFT: Plane Waves and Pseudopotentials (Lecture 2.2)
From James Overhiser
342 plays
DFT: Plane Waves and Pseudopotentials (Lecture 2.2)2018 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Lecture 2.2 - Planewaves and Pseudopotentials
From James Overhiser
583 plays