Search for tag: "cognitive biases"

Collaboration Workshop REU 2020 Session 1

Presenter: Lynne Vincent 2-ay workshop for the…

From  James Overhiser 8 plays

Performance Management: A Strategic Perspective on Transformation

From  Donald Bazley 18 plays

10 - Behavioral Insights and Parental Decision-Making - Kalil

The Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner…

From  Carrie Chalmers 31 plays

11 - How Do Early Life Experiences Affect Equality of Opportunity for Future Generations? - Page, East

The Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner…

From  Carrie Chalmers 79 plays

08 - The Relationship between Emotion Regulation and Choice

From  Marshall Perryman 82 plays

Panel on Future Research Directions

The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner…

+121 More
From  Marshall Perryman 42 plays

11 - Discussion of : Iterative Reprocessing, Reflection, and the Development of "Hot" Executive Function

The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner…

+85 More
From  Marshall Perryman 9 plays

09 - Discussion and Q&A for Kevin Ochsner's Talk

Discussion: The Relationship between Emotion…

From  Marshall Perryman 14 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar: David L. Greene (ORNL) - Transitioning Motor Vehicles to Sustainable Energy: New Challenges for Public Policy and Engineering

Friday, October 4, 2013 at 12:00pm Frank H. T.…

From  E. Cornelius 16 plays

05 - The emotion paradox in the aging brain

Mara Mather, University of Southern California …

+118 More
From  Marshall Perryman 284 plays

08 - Regulatory flexibility and adaptation to highly aversive life events

George A. Bonanno, Columbia University October…

From  Marshall Perryman 89 plays

04 - Neural Responses to Financial Incentives and Risks across the Lifespan

From  Marshall Perryman 37 plays

04 - Ideal affect across the life span: Cultural variation and implications for views of old age

Jeanne L. Tsai, Stanford University October 3,…

From  Marshall Perryman 306 plays

03 - Happy to be unhappy? Pro- and contra-hedonic orientations from adolescence to old age

Michaela Riediger, Max Planck Institute for Human…

+123 More
From  Marshall Perryman 132 plays

06 - Aging, attention, and its emotional regulation

Adam K. Anderson, Cornell University October…

From  Marshall Perryman 21 plays