Dictionaries are not sliceable, but they are iterable. In this video we show the many different ways you can use a dictionary in a for-loop. The primary thing to understand is that you have to…
In this video we show how to handle the special case when the objects inside of a list are other lists. In particular, we show how to chain together brackets to drill down into nested lists.
In this video we introduce the list, which looks almost exactly the the same as a tuple, except that it is written differently. Indeed, it supports many of the same operations as tuples. Together,…
We have said that objects are essentially folders? But the command line cannot display these folders using text. In this video, we talk about what the command line does show when we look at an object…
While this new video/lecture format is allowing us to show you things we could not cover in year’s past, there is a limit to how much we can show you. Sometimes you are just going to need to…
ORIE Colloquium: Yehua Wei (MIT) - Understanding the Effectivness of Sparse Process Flexibility
Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 3:00pm
Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253
The seminal paper of Jordan and…