This Neurodiversity Dialogues session started off with a discussion of why we care about having a neurodivergent student body and institution. Cornell is already a neurodiverse institution, with many faculty, staff, and students who are neurodivergent. However, many people find out later in life. With increased acceptance, accommodations, and supports, the environment for neurodivergent faculty, staff, and students at Cornell can improve.
The session dialogue shifted to the ways neurodivergent students have felt supported, and could feel supported, here at Cornell. Following this, some of the challenges or barriers to belonging for neurodivergent students were identified and discussed.
The following questions emerged: How can we create an environment where neurodivergent people feel comfortable across their intersecting identities? What support can they fall back on when something doesn't go well with disclosure and how is that support created? How will students know that support is available?