CAU Presidential Election Seminar

Lectures by Cornell faculty on voting rights; the outlook for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives; political implications of the coronavirus, social justice issues, and public education.

Note: transcripts of these recordings may contain computer-generated mistranslations and inaccuracies. 
Channel Thumbnail
 Public, Restricted
7 Media
3 Members
Lectures by Cornell faculty on voting rights; the outlook for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives; political implications of the coronavirus, social justice issues, and public education.

Note: transcripts of these recordings may contain computer-generated mistranslations and inaccuracies. 
Lectures by Cornell faculty on voting rights; the outlook for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives; political implications of the coronavirus, social justice issues, and public education.

Note: transcripts of these recordings may contain computer-generated mistranslations and inaccuracies. 

 Public, Restricted

7 Media
3 Members
Appears In: