From Kenny Berkowitz November 17, 2020
15 | 01:14:05duration 1 hour 14 minutes
Glenn Altschuler - The Outlook on the Ground:…
Glenn Altschuler - The Outlook on the Ground: What Might Change?
From Kenny Berkowitz November 02, 2020
570 | 01:14:02duration 1 hour 14 minutes
The 2020 Presidential Election: An Update
From Kenny Berkowitz July 29, 2020
26 | 01:10:14duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Glenn Altschuler - How Did we Get Here- Political…
Glenn Altschuler - How Did we Get Here- Political Polarization, the Election of Donald Trump, and the Political Implications of the Three Crises of 2020
379 | 28:01duration 28 minutes 1 second
A Long Movement: How the Trump Phenomenon Dates…
A Long Movement: How the Trump Phenomenon Dates Back to 1964
From Kenny Berkowitz July 28, 2020
15 | 01:14:10duration 1 hour 14 minutes
Douglas Kriner - What Happened in 2016?…
Douglas Kriner - What Happened in 2016? Predicting Elections Using Convention Data and Forecast Models
From Kenny Berkowitz November 03, 2020
84 | 49:36duration 49 minutes 36 seconds
David Bateman and Doug Kriner - Youth and the…
David Bateman and Doug Kriner - Youth and the 2020 Election
40 | 01:13:06duration 1 hour 13 minutes
David Bateman - The Paradox of American…
David Bateman - The Paradox of American Elections- Why It's Both Easier and Harder to Vote in American Elections Than in Any Other Advanced Democracy.mp4
From Kenny Berkowitz October 30, 2020
56 | 01:23:06duration 1 hour 23 minutes
Lecture 11/30/21: Limits of predictive modeling
From Madeleine Udell November 30, 2021
52 | 02:31:08duration 2 hours 31 minutes
IES Migrations Series: Global 1968 Panel
From Pamela Hunsinger September 11, 2018
7 | 59:44duration 59 minutes 44 seconds
CAM Colloquium - Andrew Gelman (9/18/20)
From Erika Fowler-Decatur September 18, 2020
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