Search for tag: "word document"

Introduction to EndNote

Webinar Recording of “Introduction to EndNote” May 29, 2020 by CUL Librarian Jim Morris-Knower

+23 More
From  Matthew Kibbee 87 plays

Introduction to Zotero

Webinar Recording of “Introduction to Zotero” May 1, 202 by CUL Librarian Jim Morris-Knower

+29 More
From  Matthew Kibbee 327 plays

Life in the slow lane:

Tools and techniques for engaging participants with low-bandwidth connections Not everyone has access to, or can afford, a high-speed internet connection. During this Zoom meeting we will…

From  Paul Treadwell 43 plays

Planning your way to accessibility success webinar recording

April 30, 2020 - Meeting recording. This meeting will look at some fundamental things you can do as you plan and begin to create new content, that will ease your accessibility pathway. We'll…

From  Paul Treadwell 29 plays

Web Accessibility for Content Contributors

+228 More
From  Brandon Brylinsky 109 plays

Produce Safety Educator's Call #32

Information about the PSA's Lead Trainer process and suggestions for gaining additional experience and education to satisfy all four trainer competency areas.

+64 More
From  Gretchen Wall 41 plays