Search for tag: "west"

Screening Raw Milk Samples for Foodborne Pathogens (Cornell Vet School) - Jasmine Umrigar

Jasmine Umrigar is a senior in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences majoring in Global and Public Health with minors in Biometry and Statistics and Infectious Disease Biology. She is…

+25 More
From  Catherine Wambura 4 plays

David Levinthal Lecture

+19 More
From  Jennifer Todd 27 plays

Cornell Wellness Celebrates Black History Month: Interview with Zebadiah Hall

Zoom Recording ID: 95550123439 UUID: BrRDRyCjSUmbtiKXvaSVTQ== Meeting Time: 2021-01-14T18:55:31Z

+22 More
From  Jeremy Stewart 145 plays

NMCA Annual Meeting - January 6, 2021

Recording of the presentation for the 66th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Mosquito Control Association 2021 webinar series, held January 6, 2021.

+19 More
From  Emily Mader 46 plays

Women Making Their Mark: An Exploration of Women Artists at the Johnson Museum

2020 is the 100 year anniversary of women being granted suffrage and the Johnson Museum of Art is celebrating with the exhibition “Women Making Their Mark,” curated by Nancy Green. Learn…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 76 plays

Milstein Invited Lecture - Angela Yee

Zoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID: dZds7XYyS827eA9c/n1Cpw== Meeting Time: 2020-07-23T23:34:56Z

From  Tapan Parikh 43 plays

There’s No Place Like Home: Cornell’s Residential Landscapes

Cornell’s longstanding ambivalence about on-campus housing and the logistics of a coeducational population resulted in two dormitory landscapes situated to the north and west of central campus.…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 479 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Offshore Wind Energy: Gaining Momentum in the US, Randy Male (MBA '91)

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 28 plays

Eloisa James

Zoom Recording ID: 95372571419 UUID: xzdfWHdtSyaSzADallIraA== Meeting Time: 2020-06-30T00:31:34Z

From  Emily Davies 34 plays

Tom Rosamilia

Zoom Recording ID: 95831390715 UUID: HicGknhYRAy+VxFM1Fdplw== Meeting Time: 2020-05-08T16:40:13Z

From  Steven Gallow 98 plays

General Fusion meeting

+110 More
From  Laura Ricciuti 21 plays

2019 MEng in ECE Information Webinar

+106 More
From  E. Cornelius 273 plays

CUFF - 20190125 - Ryan Lombardi - North Campus

From  Marshall Perryman 66 plays

Panel Discussion with Local Stocker Operators

Joe Eisele, Canton LinRae Ellis, Houghton Winnie Nelson, Schoharie

+71 More
From  Audia Denton 69 plays

ORIE Colloquium, 2013-02-14 - Yehua Wei: Understanding the Effectiveness of Sparse Process Flexibility

ORIE Colloquium: Yehua Wei (MIT) - Understanding the Effectivness of Sparse Process Flexibility Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 3:00pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253 The seminal paper of Jordan and…

From  E. Cornelius 36 plays

CAM Colloquium - 2015-9-25: Mark M. Meerschaert - Reflected Stable Levi Motions and their Governing Equations

From  E. Cornelius 31 plays