Search for tag: "views"

20230810_Freedom of Expression Foundations

From  Melanie Ciotoli 164 plays

Gillian Ross - SE Asia Digital Library Wikipedia Editing

From  Ron Henry 7 plays

01 Sebastian Diaz Angel

From  Sarah Day 69 plays

Acumatica Weekly Check In, December 10, 2020

Journal transaction templates for recurring entries; creating schedules; dashboard options; bank recs; data views; 1099s; depreciation; no macro for year-end reports; prepaid income and deferred…

From  Rhodora Seymour 61 plays

There’s No Place Like Home: Cornell’s Residential Landscapes

Cornell’s longstanding ambivalence about on-campus housing and the logistics of a coeducational population resulted in two dormitory landscapes situated to the north and west of central campus.…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 478 plays