Search for tag: "time series"

Coral Bleaching and Disease

Zoom Recording ID: 98352894285 UUID:…

From  Drew Harvell 65 plays

Introduction to EELS (Part 2)

2017 PARADIM Intro to EELS part 2 Paolo Longo

+69 More
From  James Overhiser 78 plays

07 - Promoting Equality of Educational Opportunity by Investing Early - Watts, Raver

The Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner…

+99 More
From  Carrie Chalmers 20 plays

04 - Matlab ODE & Harmonic Oscillator cont'd Session 4

2013-01-31 13:31:50+00

+99 More
From 112 plays

CFEM Seminar - Dennis Ignatovich and Grant Passmore: Formal Verification for Safety and Fairness of Financial Algorithms

From  E. Cornelius 8 plays

ORIE 9000 Colloquium - Madeleine Udell: Generalized Low Rank Models

Principal components analysis (PCA) is a…

From  E. Cornelius 8 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 11/18/2014 - Patrick Cheridito: Equilibrium Pricing under Translation Invariant Preferences

Abstract: A general discrete-time framework for…

From  E. Cornelius 68 plays

ORIE Colloquium, 2014-12-19 - Nathan Kallus: From Predictive to Prescriptive Analytics

Many operational problems in data-rich…

From  E. Cornelius 193 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar on 11/14/2014 - Chai Wu: Global Technology Outlook 2014: Transforming industries with Systems of Insight

In this talk I will present IBM's 2014…

+178 More
From  E. Cornelius 50 plays

CAM Colloquium: Hinke Osinga - Computing Global Invariant Manifolds: Techniques and Applications ,Version 2

Friday, October 24, 2014 at 3:30pm Global…

From  E. Cornelius 13 plays

CAM Colloquium September 19, 2014 - Julianne Chung: Designing Optimal Spectral Filters and Low-Rank Matrices for Inverse Problems

Computing reliable solutions to inverse problems…

+138 More
From  E. Cornelius 33 plays

ORIE Colloquium, 2013-02-20 - Sahand Negahban: Structured Estimation in High-Dimensions

ORIE/Statistics Colloquium: Sahand Negahban (MIT)…

From  E. Cornelius 126 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 9/10/2013 - Eilyan Bitar: Selling Random Energy

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 4:15pm Frank H.…

+87 More
From  E. Cornelius 35 plays

ORIE Colloquium on 2/17/2012 - Dawn Woodard: Efficiency of Markov Chain Methods in Bayesian Statistics

Tuesday, April 17 at 4:15pm Frank H.T. Rhodes…

From  E. Cornelius 5 plays

CAM Colloquium on 4/27/2012 - Svetlozar (Zari) Rachev: Market Crashes and Modeling Volatile Markets

Friday, April 27, 2012 253 Rhodes Hall Stock…

From  E. Cornelius 4 plays

CAM Colloquium September 28, 2012

Soumydip Ghosh Business Analytics and Math…

From  E. Cornelius 5 plays