Search for tag: "spread"

Managers Forum 6/11 - Accommodations

Patti Riddle, Associate Director for Medical Leaves Administration, provides insight on reasonable accommodations for remote work and campus re-opening. Part of the Managers Forum, recorded June 11,…

From  Gerald Deis 37 plays

The 2020 Presidential Election: An Update

In this session, Glenn Altschuler will provide an update—and assessment—of the 2020 presidential race.

From  Kenny Berkowitz 569 plays

CCE Oswego 4-H Juice Cup Yarn Monsters

From  Linda Brosch 14 plays

CCEOswego 4H Three Spring Woodland Flowers.mp4

From  Linda Brosch 4 plays

Mathmatical Modeling of COVID II

From  Dave Frank 77 plays

Clip of APRIL 10th Updates & Discussion: The Impact of COVID-19 on NYS Animal Shelters

Zoom Recording ID: 736868584 UUID: K70H/N7MScG09ZYLW42cuA== Meeting Time: 2020-04-10T18:28:21Z

From  Sarah Nickerson 18 plays

Linear Imaging Theory

2017 PARADIM Linear Imaging Theory Robert Hovden

From  James Overhiser 156 plays

Diffraction (Part 2)

2017 PARADIM Diffraction part 2 David Muller

From  James Overhiser 145 plays

Kitty in a Bag

From  Dave Frank 176 plays