Search for tag: "responsible"


From  Linda Brosch 3 plays

BEE 3600

Zoom Recording ID: 596257102 UUID: hbZeYCtPSlyWSiCspt/iZw== Meeting Time: 2020-05-14T20:19:10Z

From  Buz Barstow 13 plays

Team Dynamix Training for Diane's Group: May 1, 2020 Take 2

Zoom Recording ID: 3928240025 UUID: MSI5mEVYTtyjEh+kAnA4FQ== Meeting Time: 2020-05-01T18:50:28Z

From  Patrick Graham 16 plays

Yuxin Mao 9-20-2019 Promotion talk

From  Rebecca Givens 22 plays

Institutional analysis of technical change in agrifood systems: Situating Digital Agriculture in a political economic context

Prof. Steven Wolf, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, January 23, 2018.

From  Jennifer Wright 28 plays

20190709_SCT_Robert Brandom

From  Carla Liesching 74 plays

William Zhang 2018

From  James Overhiser 9 plays

07. Hans Jürgen Scheuer, Tricksterprosa & apokryphes Erzählen

From  jrp354 63 plays

02 - “Whatever They Need”: Helping Children through In-Kind Child Support, Timothy Nelson

The Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26, 2018 Section: Innovations in Transfer Programs…

From  Carrie Chalmers 10 plays

DrupalCamp 2018: Ready, Set, Live!

Your new site looks great. It has all the bells and whistles, and some pretty awesome graphics. But - are you ready for actual GO LIVE?! There's a lot to launching a site and we'll…

From  Nick Tubbs 7 plays

Pony Anesthesia

From  Dave Frank 251 plays