Search for tag: "readiness"
ELS Thrive PresentationSophie Dornevil is a senior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences with a minor in Health Policy. She is passionate about international development: nutrition,…
From MacKenzie Vick
22 plays
CaSE August MeetingZoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: s4k5LO08S4OFgRGIdHWodw== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T20:06:24Z
From Terrance Carroll
3 plays
07 - Promoting Equality of Educational Opportunity by Investing Early - Watts, RaverThe Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children October 25-26, 2018 Section: Education and Equality of…
From Carrie Chalmers
19 plays
Produce Safety Educator’s Monthly Call #27Information on the State Produce Implementation Cooperative Agreement Program (CAP)
From Gretchen Wall
30 plays