57:44duration 57 minutes 44 seconds
Using Ocean Knowledge to Achieve Climate, Energy,…
Using Ocean Knowledge to Achieve Climate, Energy, and Food Security by 2050
The Earth is an ocean planet. During the next…
01:10:27duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar on…
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar on 10/24/2014 - Ian Parry: Energy Price Reform: A Guide for Policymakers
This talk will discuss (based on a recent IMF…
01:16:07duration 1 hour 16 minutes
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Engineering…
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Engineering Seminar: Antonio Bento
Friday, Apr 20, 2012 at 12:00 PM 253 Rhodes Hall
01:03:34duration 1 hour 3 minutes
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar on 10/1/2010 - Oliver Gao: From Transportation Emissions Control to Public Health—Are We Doing the Right Thing, and Doing it Right?
Professor Oliver Gao: From Transportation…
57:40duration 57 minutes 40 seconds
CAM Colloquium, 2017-03-03 - Perrine Pepiot:…
CAM Colloquium, 2017-03-03 - Perrine Pepiot: Progress and challenges in simulating combustion systems with realistic chemistry
Abstract: The vital role of simulations and…
09:43duration 9 minutes 43 seconds
Feline Induction and Intubation