58:06duration 58 minutes 6 seconds
PARADIM - Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 4.3
2016 CU Summer School
2018 CU: Summer School
4.1 Phonon Dispersion
2016 PARADIM Summer Schjool Feliciano Giustino Tutorial 4.3
DFT: How to calculate the band structure of…
DFT: How to calculate the band structure of silicon (4.3 Tutorial)
2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 4.3
51:49duration 51 minutes 49 seconds
1.1 Connecting to MARCC, basic Linux commands,…
1.1 Connecting to MARCC, basic Linux commands, and a test run
2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 1.3
32:03duration 32 minutes 3 seconds
DFT: Stretching frequency of a diatomic molecule…
DFT: Stretching frequency of a diatomic molecule Cl2, phonon dispersion relations of diamond, and LO-TO splitting, IR activity, and dielectric constant of GaAs (Tutorial 4.1)