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Schlom Day 3 Lecture #5 MBE&ARPES Summer School 2022Zoom Recording ID: 91639832916 UUID: WgK9du3pRNqI4FWZNpcAvA== Meeting Time: 2022-06-15 01:11:43pm
From James Overhiser
10 plays
Stochastic Networks Conference 2022 - Henry Lam EditZoom Recording ID: 97630276119 UUID: b0bbUQGeREmWQTqzq6FRkA== Meeting Time: 2022-06-20 03:00:12pm
From E. Cornelius
14 plays
11.12.21 Florentina Bunea, Cornell UniversityZoom Recording ID: 471873857 UUID: O0ecNCvQQrqWOViv2Fk0Bg== Meeting Time: 2021-11-12T17:00:43Z
From Jordan Staiti
40 plays
ORIE Colloquium: Constantine Caramanis (University of Texas at Austin), April 6, 2021“MLE and the EM algorithm for Mixtures: Minimax Results” The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is a widely used tool for computing the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE)…
From Henry Lam
9 plays
Graduate Training Prosem with Seth Sanders session 1Zoom Recording ID: 97954002948 UUID: cP/nCZJ7QB6GuvMzpjh4gA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-19T15:44:09Z
From Meg Cole
30 plays