49:53duration 49 minutes 53 seconds
23 - Review of Gram-Schmidt and Orthogonal…
23 - Review of Gram-Schmidt and Orthogonal Transformations Session 23
2009-03-11 09:07:01+00
48:13duration 48 minutes 13 seconds
11 - Review of Kernel image and span intro to…
11 - Review of Kernel image and span intro to subspace and linear independence Session 11
2009-02-11 09:08:28+00
49:41duration 49 minutes 41 seconds
13 - Review and introduction to coordinates…
13 - Review and introduction to coordinates Session 13
2009-02-16 09:06:21+00
50:32duration 50 minutes 32 seconds
41 - SVD decomposition cont'd Session 41
2009-04-29 09:06:42+00
48:39duration 48 minutes 39 seconds
17 - Abstract vectors continued Session 17
2009-02-25 09:07:14+00
53:04duration 53 minutes 4 seconds
24 - Examples of orthogonal matrices Session 24
2009-03-13 09:05:37+00