Search for tag: "insertion"

Lesson 30.8 Quicksort Performance

It looks like quicksort has solved our performance problems. However, we should not be so hasty. In this video, we look at the real performance for quicksort, and why it is not perfect. We also talk…

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From  Hannah Lee 36 plays

Lesson 30.7 Quicksort

The partition algorithm breaks up the list into two kind-of-sorted portions. In this video, we show how to use this fact with divide-and-conquer to implement a new sorting algorithm: quicksort. For…

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From  Hannah Lee 40 plays

Lesson 30.5 Selection Sort

In the previous video we saw that insertion sort is not an ideal sorting algorithm. In this video we try our hand at another algorithm: selection sort. This is another simple algorithm that may be…

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From  Hannah Lee 40 plays

Lesson 30.4 Sorting Performance

Through the course, we have only cared about specifications, and not performance. But as we see in this video, sorting is an application where performance really matters. Little changes to the size…

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From  Hannah Lee 45 plays

Lesson 30.3 Insertion Sort

In this video we introduce insertion sort, which is one of the simplest sorting algorithms to understand. If you have ever sorted cards in your hand it is likely that you have used this sorting…

+19 More
From  Hannah Lee 46 plays

Equine Eye Catheter

From  Dave Frank 524 plays