Title: The Impacts of Aerosol Biogeochemistry and Land Use on Reaching Low Climate Targets Abstract: The recent Paris agreements set the goal of reaching only 2 degrees of warming, and included…
Zoom Recording ID: 471873857
UUID: teXMXScPQ6y3pjBn7xQv2A==
Meeting Time: 2021-11-05T15:56:34Z
Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995
UUID: tEMkJNs2Q52po7ogcJZ6+w==
Meeting Time: 2021-04-14T16:47:35Z
Hannah Rosenthal is a senior in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences majoring in Global and Public Health Sciences with a minor in Infectious Disease Biology. She is passionate about…
This is a beginning farmer training video from Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Niagara County's Beginning Farmer Training Program.This video demonstrates several different seeding tools and…
Presenter: Olivia Whitmarsh
CNF 30th Anniversary (2007) "Science Fiction as a Portal to Ethics in Nanotechnology" with Rosalyn Berne, Professor of Applied Ethics, University of Virginia
CNF 30th (2007) "Constituting the NanoScale: Lessons from the 20th Century" with Sheila Jasanoff, Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Harvard University