Search for tag: "hole"

Understanding Stars 8/5/2021 12:00pm

From  Jennifer Davis 6 plays

PARADIM Summer School 2021: RIXS on spin-orbit-entangled j=1/2 materials

PARADIM Summer School 2021- Materials Growth and Design: Frustrated and Quantum Magnetism - RIXS on spin-orbit-entangled j=1/2 materials

From  Brenda Fisher 18 plays

How To: Seed Starting

How to start basil seeds.

From  Emma Kett 6 plays

4/2/21 Yisong Yang CAM Colloquium Talk

Zoom Recording ID: 95217932087 UUID: CHNFwY6JTeCm0wEOQ0XLJA== Meeting Time: 2021-04-02T19:23:09Z

From  Erika Fowler-Decatur 13 plays

Seeding Tools & Techniques July-2020

This is a beginning farmer training video from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Niagara County's Beginning Farmer Training Program.This video demonstrates several different seeding tools and…

From  Rich Woodbridge 73 plays

Hubble's Greatest Hits - 30 Years of Images from the Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into orbit on April 24, 1990. We’ll review some of the most enigmatic images taken with HST over the last 30 years; explore what their shapes, colors and…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 446 plays

Eloisa James

Zoom Recording ID: 95372571419 UUID: xzdfWHdtSyaSzADallIraA== Meeting Time: 2020-06-30T00:31:34Z

From  Emily Davies 33 plays

Restarting the Economy: Opportunities and Challenges to Sustainability, Fred Keller (BS ‘66)

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 6 plays

Johnson COVID-19: Restarting the Economy: Opportunities and Challenges to Sustainability, Fred Keller (BS ‘66)

Zoom Recording ID: 713840977 UUID: xlX4MGpGSiCoFodcBMCw8w== Meeting Time: 2020-05-15T14:37:06Z

From  Safiyyah Abdul Hamid 19 plays

MAE 4710/5710 Applied Dynamics

Zoom Recording ID: 200816800 UUID: LgWZ/t/lRjmbM4fLwnE7Ww== Meeting Time: 2020-05-06T16:13:08Z

From  Andy Ruina 7 plays

Miles' Gastropoda Trimmed

From  Arjun Hausner 82 plays

CNF 30th (2007) "Carbon Nanotubes: Electronics and Optoelectronics in One Dimension" with Avouris

CNF 30th (2007) "Carbon Nanotubes: Electronics and Optoelectronics in One Dimension" with Phaedon Avouris, IBM Research Division, TJ Watson Research Center

From  Karlis Musa 38 plays

Diffraction (Part 2)

2017 PARADIM Diffraction part 2 David Muller

From  James Overhiser 145 plays