Search for tag: "graduation"

CEE/EM Graduate Student Commencement Ceremony

Zoom Recording ID: 95481220563 UUID: hsLxRTepT9+/2MlDUEoFiA== Meeting Time: 2021-05-28T15:27:33Z

From  Tania Sharpsteen 21 plays

IES Hosts: Minor in European Studies Promo

Natalia Gulick, AAP '21, Jack Tracey, AS '20, and Katerina Zhuravel, AS '21, share brief reflections on why they chose to pursue an undergraduate minor in European Studies. Interested…

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From  Pamela Hunsinger 57 plays

ORIE Reunion 2020 (Class of 2016-2020)

Zoom Recording ID: 93017686315 UUID: FYPIGknJTaSTcWvpTYe+2w== Meeting Time: 2020-06-06T18:43:57Z

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From  Henry Lam 6 plays

Peter Jackson Retirement Dinner

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From  E. Cornelius 67 plays