Search for tag: "fossil fuel"
Using Ocean Knowledge to Achieve Climate, Energy, and Food Security by 2050The Earth is an ocean planet. During the next three decades, we must reverse climate change while simultaneously finding sustainable sources of clean energy and food for a global population…
From Kenny Berkowitz
112 plays
CaSE July MeetingZoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: +5g5q1I6QKqTpsAgRKXfMg== Meeting Time: 2020-07-02T20:48:53Z
From Terrance Carroll
5 plays
Natalie Mahowald on Climate Change ScienceZoom Recording ID: 98131380488 UUID: EeCqS+VOToahkLelCMUHhA== Meeting Time: 2020-06-24T15:57:22Z
From James Overhiser
23 plays
CaSE Board April MeetingZoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: 8HLarQfqT36GAh0StWpk4w== Meeting Time: 2020-04-02T20:09:11Z
From Terrance Carroll
4 plays
Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar on 10/24/2014 - Ian Parry: Energy Price Reform: A Guide for PolicymakersThis talk will discuss (based on a recent IMF study) how developed and developing countries alike might put into practice the principle of ‘getting prices right’ to address the major…
From E. Cornelius
24 plays