Search for tag: "films directed by michael curtiz"

ORIE 9000 Colloquium - Xiaodong Li: Low-rank recovery: from convex to nonconvex methods

Low-rank structures are common in modern data analysis, and they play essential roles in various applications. It is challenging to recover low-rank structures reliably and efficiently from corrupted…

From  E. Cornelius 0 plays

ORIE Colloquium, 2015-04-21 - Archis Ghate: Convex and Dynamic Programming for Response-guided Dosing

Within the broad field of personalized medicine, there has been a recent surge of clinical interest in the idea of response-guided dosing. Roughly speaking, the goal is to develop dosing strategies…

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From  E. Cornelius 55 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2016-11-18 - Robert Vanderbei: Numerical Optimization Applied to Space-Related Problems

Abstract: Techniques for numerical optimization have been wildly successful in an amazingly broad range of applications. In the talk, I will go into some detail about two particular…

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From  E. Cornelius 19 plays