Search for tag: "engineers"
Health Systems Engineering Master of Engineering PathwayTogether with Weill Cornell Medicine, the Cornell Systems Engineering program has created a new Health Systems Engineering pathway in our M.Eng. degree, which can be completed either on campus or…
From E. Cornelius
1 plays
Contextualizing the Problems of the Engineering Curriculum | 2024 Bovay Lecture | Jon Leydens (Colorado School of Mines)The Sue and Harry Bovay Lecture on the History and Ethics of Engineering is an annual event that brings distinguished speakers to Cornell to provoke thought and conversation around social and ethical…
From Trystan Goetze
43 plays
Cornell M.Eng. in Engineering Management (MEM) Distance Learning Program (2024)The Cornell Master of Engineering in Engineering Management (MEM) Program prepares individuals to reach their potential as innovators, people leaders, and decision makers. Our part-time Distance…
From Alexis Vargas
2 plays
Session 4 of ACM Symposium on Computational FabricationSession Chair: Amritansh Kwatra Keynote by Nobuyuki Umetani (University of Tokyo) Keynote by Ilya Baran(Onshape) Demos Lightning Round
From Thijs Roumen
28 plays
Gina Park: Drayage Trucks"Thought Leaders in Infrastructure" Video Series presents -- In this video, Ph.D. candidate Gina Park talks about her research into the Clean Truck Program, and how it shows that the…
From Olga Petrova
38 plays