Search for tag: "digits"

Lesson 17.7 The Division Step

Up until now, we have claimed that it does not matter how you divide your date in divide-and-conquer. In this video we show one of the ways in which it might matter. In particular, not thinking about…

From  Hannah Lee 101 plays

Lesson 10.6 Top-Down Design

Top-down design is a widely–used design technique. Your instructor used it to design the first assignment, and you will use it yourself in later assignments. In this video we take a closer look…

From  Hannah Lee 92 plays

Lesson 1.3. Float Expressions

Integers are not the only number type in Python. There is also the float type, which is the set of real numbers. Floats can do just about everything that integers So why then does Python need a…

From  Hannah Lee 172 plays

My MeetingSeeing with Electrons

Zoom Recording ID: 98642485310 UUID: G+QV6B9+RTudd0xBtQaX2w== Meeting Time: 2020-06-17T14:52:29Z

From  James Overhiser 37 plays