Link to Github page. File Stata\Stata_Code_Fall2023-10-16-2023.do for code from session. Double click on .do file to open Stata. Then run code. …
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Overview of computer user profile setup for CCE Western region employees. Additional Resources referenced:CCE Western IT Helpdesk - http://westernhelpdesk.cce.cornell.edu/ CCE Knowledge Base -…
Tutorial on Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
Zoom Recording ID: 93173850621
UUID: wQw0SxylS+O46bvOo1ld0g==
Meeting Time: 2021-01-12T14:50:08Z
Working on modules will require a new type of program: the code editor. In this video we discuss why we prefer Atom Editor and how you should use it in this course.
Python scripts are files containing pre-written Python code. You can run a Python script even if you do not understand the code inside of it. In this video we show you how to do exactly that.
This first video introduces you to the command line, which is a text-based tool for interacting with files and programs.
CAUTION: Only admins and local IT contacts should attempt to reset or repair your Association database. If your local IT is unavailable and you need immediate assistance, please contact…