01:03:50duration 1 hour 3 minutes
Creating accessible video and presentations with…
Creating accessible video and presentations with Zoom and PowerPoint edited
Zoom meeting recording April 39, 2020 - During this meeting we’ll look at some practical ways to create accessible zoom meetings and presentations
45:32duration 45 minutes 32 seconds
Planning your way to accessibility success…
Planning your way to accessibility success webinar recording
April 30, 2020 - Meeting recording. This meeting will look at some fundamental things you can do as you plan and begin to create new content, that will ease your accessibility pathway. We'll…
02:42:13duration 2 hours 42 minutes
Web Accessibility for Content Contributors
26:15duration 26 minutes 15 seconds
03 - Discussion of: Decision-making in Clinical…
03 - Discussion of: Decision-making in Clinical Conditions: Is This Knowledge Useful for Neuroeconomics?
BLCC Meeting
11:07duration 11 minutes 7 seconds
01 - Conference Introduction
Introduction for the The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference -- The Neuroscience of Risky Decision Making