Search for tag: "correspondence"

CAM Colloquium - Lawrie Virgin: Identifying Chaos Using Spectral Content

The characterization of chaos as a random-like response from a deterministic dynamical system with an extreme sensitivity to initial conditions is well-established, and has provided a stimulus to…

From  E. Cornelius 19 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar: Fredrik Logevall (Cornell) - Embers of War: Reconsidering Vietnam

Friday, March 21, 2014 at 12:00pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253 Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar: Fredrik Logevall (Cornell) - Embers of War: Reconsidering Vietnam Why did Vietnam become the…

From  E. Cornelius 20 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2015-03-27 - Lawrie Virgin: Identifying Chaos Using Spectral Content

From  E. Cornelius 19 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2015-10-02 - Hansjorg Kielhofer: Some Aspects of Bifurcation Theory

From  E. Cornelius 8 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2017-02-10 - Damek Davis: A SMART Stochastic Algorithm for Nonconvex Optimization with Applications to Robust Machine Learning

Abstract: In this talk, we show how to transform any optimization problem that arises from fitting a machine learning model into one that (1) detects and removes contaminated data from the…

From  E. Cornelius 16 plays