Search for tag: "constants"


From  James Overhiser 9 plays

PARADIM DFT Summer School 2021 - Lecture 3.2 - Elastic Properties

PARADIM DFT Summer School 2021 - Lecture 3.2 - Elastic Properties - Feliciano Giustino

From  Brenda Fisher 155 plays


Zoom Recording ID: 96071157995 UUID: MeW/WR8tSkKJqQaXSu9ZwA== Meeting Time: 2021-02-24T18:04:16Z

From  Andy Ruina 1 plays

PARADIM - Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 4.3

2016 CU Summer School

From  James Overhiser 15 plays

PARADIM - Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 4.3

2018 CU: Summer School

From  James Overhiser 26 plays

Monday Lab Intro (Schlom)

2019 Cornell Summer School

From  James Overhiser 18 plays

4.1 Phonon Dispersion

2016 PARADIM Summer Schjool Feliciano Giustino Tutorial 4.3

From  James Overhiser 251 plays

DFT: How to calculate the band structure of silicon (4.3 Tutorial)

2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 4.3

From  James Overhiser 223 plays

3.1 Automatic optimization of crystal structure and elastic constants

2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 3.3

From  James Overhiser 186 plays

DFT: Stretching frequency of a diatomic molecule Cl2, phonon dispersion relations of diamond, and LO-TO splitting, IR activity, and dielectric constant of GaAs (Tutorial 4.1)


From  James Overhiser 138 plays

41 - Bending and torsion example Session 41

2010-12-03 16:20:55+00

From 111 plays