Search for tag: "coding"
Qualitative Bootcamp 2022 Day 1: Atlas.tiThere are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Jacob Grippin
9 plays
Introduction to NVivo Spring 2022Helpful Links: workshop files handout: Mac vs…
From Jacob Grippin
37 plays
NVivo Fall 2021 recordingThere are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Jacob Grippin
10 plays
Aaron Wagner CAM Colloquium Talk, February 12, 2021Zoom Recording ID: 95217932087 UUID: 0rKSQScvS6WjdBEMnjEy1g== Meeting Time: 2021-02-12T20:20:35Z
From Erika Fowler-Decatur
6 plays
Science on Sundays (SoS) w/ We Be ImaginingZoom Recording ID: 295270305 UUID: zKQhJqMHT9iGd9YOSN+6Fw== Meeting Time: 2020-04-19T23:47:29Z Opening dance performance by Stanley Muñoz The mysterious phenomenon called ‘tears of…
From Tapan Parikh
67 plays
ORIE 9000 Colloquium - Madeleine Udell: Generalized Low Rank ModelsPrincipal components analysis (PCA) is a well-known technique for approximating a data set represented by a matrix by a low rank matrix. Here, we extend the idea of PCA to handle arbitrary data sets…
From E. Cornelius
7 plays