Search for tag: "bunch"


From  James Overhiser 3 plays


From  James Overhiser 16 plays

Section: post-hoc interpretability (LIME, SHAP)

Zoom Recording ID: 95071859677 UUID: 8jQJz7E4RLS27UeD6NpZ6w== Meeting Time: 2021-11-03T15:17:11Z

From  Madeleine Udell 16 plays

Section 10/13/21: Advanced scikit-learn

Zoom Recording ID: 95071859677 UUID: T29yk1x8Sr6W6XqR4hrTMQ== Meeting Time: 2021-10-13T15:19:21Z

From  Madeleine Udell 48 plays

Section 9/8/21

Zoom Recording ID: 91739230861 UUID: dn/JnDAMQE6P41kFx5xwnA== Meeting Time: 2021-09-08T15:19:44Z

From  Madeleine Udell 82 plays

CIDA Spring 2021 Seminar - Nate Foster: Pronto: Verifiable, Closed-Loop Control of 5G Networks

Zoom Recording ID: 93292270770 UUID: 8kN42wWdReWMvafn0HrbtA== Meeting Time: 2021-08-16T15:47:28Z Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture - Spring 2021 Seminar: Digital Agriculture for…

From  Gabriela Cestero 6 plays

COE Strategic Planning Town Hall 3: June 7, 2021

From  Debbie Guisado 17 plays

How To: Seed Starting

How to start basil seeds.

From  Emma Kett 6 plays

4.28.21 Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum - Towards Clean Fruit and Foliage: Resistance Management

Tim Miles will address a systems approach to fungicide resistance and how sampling can drive grower decisions and Mengjun Hu will cover diversity and infection behaviors of fungal…

From  Tim Martinson 149 plays

Zoom Dec. 8. Coroutines

Generators may seem like a weird detour for this late in the course. But in this presentation, we show how they are used in graphics and animation.Generators are a specific example of a concept known…

From  Hannah Lee 33 plays

Lesson 27.10 Model Classes

Through the semester, you have essentially been writing application controllers. In the final assignment, you will need to do that again. But you will also be creating your own models this time. In…

From  Hannah Lee 56 plays

Lesson 27.5 Mouse Input

In the previous video we primarily focused on keyboard input. Mouse input (called “touch” by kivy) is a little more difficult. In this video we talk about how mouse input works and how to…

From  Hannah Lee 59 plays

CS 6120: Lesson 6: Introduction to LLVM

Music: https://www.bensound.comStock footage:

From  Adrian Sampson 2,875 plays

Lesson 9.9 Tracing Conditionals

Now that program structure and program flow are different, debugging is going to get a lot harder. In this video we introduce a new element of white box testing – the trace. You will need to…

From  Hannah Lee 123 plays

ORIE 4580 - Lecture 1 - 0903

From  Sid Banerjee 206 plays

CCE Oswego 4-H Nature Journal

From  Linda Brosch 8 plays