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Lesson 28.9 Dictionary Comprehension (OPTIONAL)This video is not optional because the material is advanced. It is optional because this video series has run long and this topic is less important for you to know. While we have not talked about…
From Hannah Lee
28 plays
Lesson 22.8 Subclass InitializersIn this video we show that thte primary purpose of the super function is in the initializer method of the subclass. That is because we cannot guarantee that all of the attributes for the parent class…
From Hannah Lee
79 plays
Lesson 22.6 Method OverridingSubclasses inherit all of the methods of their parent. But suppose you do not want to use the inherited version of a method, but want to define a new one instead? In this video we talk about the…
From Hannah Lee
83 plays
Lesson 19.7 Mutable Table FunctionsDictionaries are mutables and support mutable functions. But this is a case where dictionaries are slightly different from lists. We are allowed to loop over a dictionary as we modify it, so long as…
From Hannah Lee
69 plays
9.11.20 Wen Sun, Cornell UniversityZoom Recording ID: 96548055743 UUID: mgIQSdeYTKqfqYLk96yjNQ== Meeting Time: 2020-09-11T15:16:06Z
From Jordan Staiti
72 plays