Search for tag: "antigen"

2023 CNF REU Harrison Final Presentation

2023 CNF REU Intern Daniel Harrison; "A Systematic Study of How Different Phases of Niobium Nitride (NbxN) React to Xenin Difluoride (XeF2) Undercut Etch"; PI: Prof. Debdeep Jena

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 14 plays

2023 CNF REU Dzotcha Final Presentation

2023 CNF REU Intern Astrid Dzotcha; "Etching of Topological Metals for Interconnect"; PI: Prof. Judy Cha

From  Melanie-Claire Mallison 11 plays

20220218_EA Forum_Covid in the New Semester_Forum

From  Wendy Treat 18 plays

The 2021 Dale E. Bauman Lecture - Catharine Ross, Ph.D. - Nutrition and Immunity against Infectious Diseases — Through the Lens of Vitamin A

A. Catharine Ross, Ph.D. Professor of Nutrition and Physiology Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair Head, Department of Nutritional Sciences The Pennsylvania State University Dr. Catharine…

From  Erin Atkins 32 plays

Pretransfusion Compatibility Testing: ACVECC Exam Webinar August 28, 2019

From  Daniel Fletcher 405 plays